The Truth Always Comes Out. OC Animal Care Exposed and Called Out in major metropolitan news again in the negative spotlight once again for more shelter malfeasance which includes drugging large aggressive type pit bulls with Trazadone to make them appear more docile and adoptable to the general public and failing to disclose previous […]
PSA To The Orange County Residents and Orange County Communities.
Today, Christine Kelly one of the nations leading Animal Rights Attorney, sent a 8 page Cease and Desist Letter to OC Animal Care and OC Animal Care Shelter Director Mike Kaviani. In in a joint collaborative collective community effort led by long time established OC based Rescues and long time established OC Community Residents, Christine […]
OC Animal Care Wrong to Return Sheltered Cats Back Into Neighborhoods
Paw Protector’s main focus has, and will, continue to be leading the progress for shelter reform at OCAC , to impact real viable positive and true responsible sustainable live outcomes for the animals. There is so much going on at OCAC and none of it good, in the short 10.5 months Mike Kaviani, The New […]
Logan vs. OC Animal Care Lawsuit
OC Animal Care tried to have the Logan vs. OC Animal Care lawsuitdismissed outright, the judge allowed the Logan vs. OC Animal Carelawsuit to proceed and told OC Animal Care outright that PawProtectors Rescue and Sharon Logan has legal standing to proceed anddemand OC Animal Care to Comply with CA State Law. It’s a sad […]
The story of Olympus who was adopted out from OC Animal Care to a new family while his real family was burying a son in Ohio made it into People Magazine. Thank you People Magazine.
The family of Olympus reached out to us at Paw Protectors Rescue and asked if there was anything Paw Protectors Rescue could do to help reunite Olympus with his family and we made that happen. Thank you to all the residents and the general public in the communities of Orange County and beyond that shared […]
Olympus Is Back Home With His Family!
The family of Olympus reached out to us at Paw Protectors Rescue and asked if there was anything Paw Protectors Rescue could do to help reunite Olympus with his family and we made that happen. Thank you to all the residents and the general public in the communities of Orange County and beyond that shared […]
Paw Protectors Rescue In The News: Logan vs. OC Animal Care
Grand jury report: Orange County animal shelter plagued by deplorable conditions, disease