The Truth Always Comes Out.
OC Animal Care Exposed and Called Out in major metropolitan news again in the negative spotlight once again for more shelter malfeasance which includes drugging large aggressive type pit bulls with Trazadone to make them appear more docile and adoptable to the general public and failing to disclose previous bite histories to potential adopters or new adopters.
“Shelter Director” Mike Kaviani admits they made a dangerous mistake.
Mike Kaviani seen and heard in the news broadcast below:
“I admit it we didn’t get it right that time, we get it right almost every time”. You mean your continual lies finally caught up with you.
Please make sure if you, the general public are adopting large pit bull type dogs from OC Animal Care that you specifically ask about the dogs previous history of animal aggression or bites and if the dog was given Trazadone, because OC Animal Care’s “Shelter Director” won’t disclose that information to potential adopters At OC Animal Care, the “Shelter Director” considers it a barrier to adoption and it will affect his live release rates and his Agenda Driven “No Kill” at all and any costs to the animals and the general public.
OCAC has gone from one extreme to another.
Kaviani was brought in because the shelter had a poor reputation and became notorious for killing 700-900 animals a month.
Kaviani hasn’t improved the notorious and poor reputation of OC Animal Care and instead of a high euthanasia rate, OC Animal Care now has a large number of dogs with severe aggression issues and bite histories that OC Animal Care tries to adopt out without disclosing the information to prospective or new adopters all the while trying to mask some of those aggressive dogs behavior with Trazadone.
This New Law is a great first step in forcing unethical shelters and unethical rescues to disclose past bite histories.
California Governor Signs New Law Concerning Potential Dog Adopters
On October 2, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom sign AB 588 into law. The new law, according is important to anyone who adopts, or considers adopting, a dog from any animal shelter, human society, or “rescue” group in California and to anyone living in a community where an adopted dog is kept.” In short, the new law requires all animal shelters in the state to inform adopters about whether any dog that is four months old or older has bitten a person and broken the skin. Under the new law, the animal shelter is required to inform a person about this type of animal history prior to selling a dog, giving away a dog, or otherwise releasing a dog. The history of bite(s) must be disclosed in writing, along with information concerning the incident in which the dog bite occurred.
Under the bill, an animal shelter is defined as any of the following:
Public animal control agency;Public animal shelter;Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter;Humane society group; orAnimal rescue group.If any animal shelter fails to provide this information, it can be fined up to $500. However, it is important to know what the law does not require a shelter to do, as well. The legislation will not require animal shelters to inform adopters about a history of “animal aggression” that does not include a dog bite that broke the skin. Adopters will need to ask this information themselves.