The Lawsuit Against San Diego Humane Society was Featured on The Cover of The San Diego Union Tribune.

Find out why this case could change animal welfare practices nationwide.

Excellent Well Written and A Must Read!

Per Fix Our Shelters:

Turning away friendly cats and kittens is inhumane! 

This is a landmark case!

The Battle Over Community Cats: A Legal Showdown That Could Redefine Animal Welfare.

This case  exposed the inhumane depravity of these programs.

The verdict in the Pet Assistance Foundation lawsuit against  San Diego Humane Society for turning away friendly cats and kittens  will be given on Friday December 20th, San Diego Courthouse,  Hall of Justice Department 63, Judge Bacal, 1:30 pm.

As  Animal Welfare writer Ed Boks so astutely asks in this illuminating  article regarding the fate of cats and kittens across our country: “Is  SDHS’s program a humane solution to overcrowding, or illegal  abandonment under California law? The answer could reshape the future of  animal sheltering.”

What  Fix Our Shelters knows for sure is that this practice is ABSOLUTELY  illegal under California’s Hayden’s law and  under most animal  protection laws throughout our country.

All  of the players who have advanced these these ILLEGAL and UNCONSCIONABLE  practices are complicit in causing the pain, suffering and death of  MILLIONS of INNOCENT CATS and KITTENS across California and our Country.   San Diego Humane Societies lobbyist  Jennifer Fearing, who helped secure $50 MILLION in taxpayer funds for  Kate Hurley -UCD Koret to further these illegal practices of “reduced  intake”  are complicit in this conspiracy to violate law. Kate  Hurley-UCD Koret was even San Diego Humane’s expert witness. This case  exposed the inhumane depravity of these programs.

Turning  away FRIENDLY CATS AND KITTENS is ILLEGAL and has caused the   suffering, pain and death of MILLIONS  of cats across California and our  Country. Complicit also is Cal Animals, Maddies Fund, Best Friends,  Julie Levy and University of Florida et al and every single POUND  Director who implements these illegal and heartless programs.

For  years we have all been brainwashed into thinking these programs were  legal. They are not. We expect WIN OR LOSE this case will be appealed.  We will fight for our beloved cats and kittens all the way to the  SUPREME COURT if need be.